Solar roads & Infraestructure
© Solar roads & infrastructure
In future civil constructions will produce energy .
Cars,trains, trucks and other electric vehicles will need it.
The new challenges due to climate change start a new wave
of electromobility and use of renewable energies.
Renewable energy in roads and infrastructure must be used,
in order to supply enough energy to massive consumption
of energy, at the same place as we consume,
therefor we save energy and support a smart grid.
On the other hand, solar energy must adapt itself to the landscape
in order to keep the view and preserve the ecosystem.
That's the reason the colored cells will be important
in the future having the same color of the sand or the grass
will make solar beautiful and will keep the optical view of the areas where it will be used.
Solar has now the possibility to adapt to any place and be used for any application..
See also...:
Color modules - Red modules - Solar & Slate - Solar & Tiles - Solar cells integrated in Zinc, Alu., Copper, Steel Contact us